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Turbo XS D-TEC - $375.00
If you have modified your vehicle, then the factory engine management system may not be delivering the correct amount of fuel. The DTEC-FC can be used to restore the correct amount of fuel to ensure optimum performance. The DTEC-FC works by altering the main load signal to the factory ECU. Increasing or decreasing this signal by an amount determined by the DTEC-FC’s programmable map can manipulate the factory ECU into delivering the optimum amount of fuel for the engine. The DTEC-FC uses additional inputs such as engine speed and throttle position/MAP to determine the requirements of the engine. The DTEC-FC incorporates four user programmable points of throttle position/MAP to scale the amount of fuel perfectly through 18 programmable RPM ranges.
When you mechanically increase the fuel flow on your setup by either larger injectors/pump or a fuel return line that increases the fuel pressure, you’ll need a way to dial back that fuel electronically. The DTEC intercepts the factory MAP/MAF signal and fools the vehicle’s PCM into thinking you’re consuming less boost/air flow into the engine. This provides the vehicle with proper air fuel ratios along with preventing the PCM from retarding timing or hitting “fuel cut” due to maxing out the factory MAP/MAF sensors. The DTEC-FC gives you the ability to save four different fuel maps for different boost pressure and fuel type settings. Drive everyday on your pump gas map, then head to the track and switch to your race gas map after you fill up with the good gas.
The DTEC fuel computer not only has the ability to fine tune your air fuel setting, but also gives you real time vehicle sensor gauges such as TPS/MAP (load), RPM, Knock Count, Injector Duty Cycle, EGT (with optional EGT sensor), and Wideband Air Fuel (with optional Tuner box). The DTEC will also datalog all of these sensors for fine tuning.
Apexi AFC Neo - $385.00
The new AFC Neo has a redesigned look with color screen, more precise tuning capabilities, as well as S-AFC and V-AFC functions in one unit.
Apexi Turbo Timer - $100.00
The Apexi Turbo Timer is one of the smallest timers on the market. It features adjustable countdown settings, O2 Sensor Voltage Display, and Battery Voltage display. Please Specify Silver or Black When Ordering.
Greddy Turbo Timer - $85.00
The Greddy Full Auto Turbo Timer features 2 Pre-set Modes, 2 Auto Modes, Voltage Display, Attack Mode, and Stopwatch. Please Specify Black or Silver when ordering.
HKS Type 0 Turbo Timer - $90.00
The HKS Type 0 turbo timer is one of the more basic turbo timers on the market. The backlighting is orange, it flashes from orange to red during count down. Please specify Black or Silver when ordering.
HKS Type 1 Turbo Timer - $120.00
The HKS Type 1 has all the basic features of the type 0. Plus the Vehicle speed and RPM can be displayed. A 2 stage RPM warning can also be set and used as a shift light. When a warning level is reached the Type 1’s LCD monitor will switch from blue to red and a beep will sound. Please specify Black or Silver when ordering.
Apex’i AVC-R Boost Controller - $575.00
The Apex’i AVC-R is one of the most advanced electronic boost controllers available. It features unique functions like RPM based adjustment, scramble boost mode, peak/replay functions and much more.
Greddy Profec B Spec 2 - $350.00
Greddy Profec B Spec 2. Available in Black or Silver. Please specify which color you would like in the comments box.
Blitz Dual Solenoid Boost Controller Spec S - $360.00
The Dual Solenoid Boost Controller features 4 programmable settings, built in gauge, peak display and much more for cars running up to 1.2 BAR(17 PSI) of boost.
Blitz Dual Solenoid Boost Controller Spec R - $520.00
The Dual SBC Spec R features all of the functions of the DSBC Spec S but comes with a solenoid suitable for up to 36 PSI.